Jan. 08 05
The year started sombre and my warmest goes out to
the people in this time of need. I was in Bangkok when
the tsunami hit so it was very close to home I’m very
proud to see how most people banded together and did
the best they could so quickly. The best usually comes out
of us in bad times so it’s best just to do good before bad
happens. Appreciate life, loved ones and yourself.
Dec 20,2004
Hope everyone has a KICK ASS end to beginning
New Year festive rest and celebration!
It's another year that went by fast and I'm
looking forward to taking it slow till the end
and speeding it up when it comes new year 05'.
Thx to all who stop by.. a Big Up to Nij for keeping this
place alive and to my peeps who keep me goin
in work.
Nov. 28, 2004
wussup everyone, happy thxgiving/belated hari raya.. more
holidays are around the corner and I'm looking very forward to it!
working hard into the last stretch of "Chase" that's the name
of my new light drama series coming out next year.
Nij should be putting up eXclusive pix here at the site soon for
your inside viewing pleasure.
I've been mentioning this quite alot on MTV and I'll make a note
of it here it's world Aids day in the coming week, get informed
at staying-alive.org. It does'nt matter if it's today tommorrow too
many crazy shit and life's too short.
peace yeah.
Archived Journals..
Here's a sneak peak at UTTs exclusive pix for his new series 'CHASE'. More to come soon..
press pix..
MTV Asia Music Awards '05 |
Did you all know that the next MTV Asia Music Awards in '05 will be held in Thailand? How exciting for UTT's fans in Thailand!! He just had his press conference so I've got lots of pix from the event.
go to photo gallery..
FHM Collections Asian Edition |
When we were considering who to invite to appear on the cover of this edition of FHM Collections, we all agreed that across Asia, there are many celebrities who dress well and act the part...
Read more . ..
MTV TRAX special old archive |
MANILA BULLENTIN special old archive |
MANILA BULLENTIN special old archive |
Get to know the drop-dead gorgeous and super friendly MTV VJ with the weird name.
(Read on to find out why he thinks he’s like a dog)
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In the numerous articles written about Uttsada Greg Panichkul, popularly known as VJ Utt of MTV, various puns have "Utterlicious." So I must refrain from using them here. Although this is not to say that he is not all that and more.
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PRANKSTER ON A ROLL special old archive |
MTV VJ,model, host and actor Uttsada Greg Panichkul, more familiarly known as Utt, is a self-confessed "outdoor junkie". The 30-year-old, California-born Thai-Chinese is the host of Incredible Tales on Channel 5.
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A round of applause for MTV VJ UTT, who makes it through our torture chamber of ker-razee questions!
Read More..
Asian invasion was made by another regional superstar. His name is VJ Utt of MTV Asia, also known as Greg Uttsada Panichkul to fans in Thailand, Hong Kong, Singapore and the Philippines.
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. There's nothing not to like about Utt, MTV Asia's pretty boy veejay, in Manila for a few days a couple of weeks ago. He's friendly, articulate, and has a smile of a kid trapped in a candy store...
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Do you believe in the paranormal't miss Incredible Tales for some spine-chilling stories about ghosts in Singapore! Premieres Tuesday, March 16, at 10pm.
Read More..
2004, Friday, March 19 @ 10:02am |
24 hours with VJ Utt in Singapore
THERE'S just something about Greg Uttsada Panichkul, better known to MTV viewers as VJ Utt, that makes girls everywhere swoon.
Of course you see him goofing around with Donita, and now with Denise as he introduces your favorite videos. Or you've probably seen his face in ads that invite you to step into a store and purchase its latest threads.
This guy is all over Asia-as an actor in his native Thailand, a veejay based in Singapore, and a model in Hong Kong and elsewhere in
the region. Oh, and he's now in Manila to "explore new territory."
2004, Saturday, March 06 @ 2:21 AM (Manila Time) |
Hello Utties,
Coming up soon.. we will have the translated article from MTV Trax and the original Thai content for our Thai fans.
On the 3rd of February UTT will be hosting the MTV ASIA MUSIC AWARDS '05 with some of the hottest names in music industry. Stay tuned for more info. and pix of the event.
www.thevenusbutterflies.com has been lauched. More news,updates,and media clips of my girl rock band will be done after my concert on the 18th.
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