
UTT's last TV series was the critically acclaimed 'Khun Chai' directed by Noppol Komarachun. It has been UTT's best acting performance to date. The dramatic series reflected society and its issues. The different levels of society, poor, middle, upper class and attitudes of people at each level. UTT played the homeless 'Tong' who is mentored by 'Tuh-Yam' a homeless bum who teaches 'Tong' the virtue of Honesty and gratitude. Eventually Tong succeeds with the teachings of 'Tuh-Yam'. In recent years UTT is rarely seen acting, he choose his roles carefully. This year he has chosen to do 2 series. The first he is currently filming called 'Nam Sai Jai Jing' a light hearted drom a series based on friends in colleges. Stay tune for more info on Acting.

Behind the scenes pix of 'Khun Chai' :