- Greg[Utt] was born and raised in the United States, he grew up in California and moved to Thailand when he was 18 years old. He's been living in Thailand for the past 8 years. His family still lives in California, he has one younger brother. 'Every once in a while I'll visit them or them or they'll fly down to visit'.
- Most of his friends and family back in the states know him as 'Greg', Utt is a nickname from his full Thai name 'Asda' now spelled 'Uttsada'. The change of spelling and use of name came from idea of becoming a singer.
- "I was approached to sing about 9 years ago before I entered the entertainment business by [now a famous singer/record producer of Bakery Music] Boyd Kosiyapong". Apparently I'm not sure if it was Him, my dad or both that came up with the new name. I've used 'Utt' here in Thailand because it's a nickname that's easy to remember among the Thais.
"I started in the entertainment business here because I wanted to save enough money to go back to the state, one thing led to another and I've been working in the industry ever since"
- Utt started modeling and doing TV Commercials. Soon he was acting but what he wanted to do was be a veejay. Long before there was MTV here in Thailand there was a 24 hour Music channel called Smile TV, "I would see how some of the veejays were bilingual and I knew it was something I wanted to do. I eventually found its headquarters and did a screen test. I really enjoyed working at Smile for the first 3 years in the business, I was Super crazy I think I mellowed out throughtout the years". Towards the end of his stay. At Smile he had the opportunity to crate two of his own shows, one of the shows was Hosted with his brother 'Jerry'.
- "It was fun to do something with him he's totally crazy and funny I don't knowed how my mom can keep up with his, we have these hyperactive Genes in Us"
He started to focus on acting. "I've been in 7 series or soap operas so far, its been a growing experience with acting. One of the biggest problems is the language, in the beginning I would have trouble speaking it properly it would effect my performance". He's come along way from the early days he's been critically acclaimed from his last performance. "Acting is a route that I'm not confident about, I actually wanted to quit acting but I think my last series has boosted a lot of confidence & motivation". Utt was a away from the acting scene for two years before he accepted the main role in 'Khun Chai'. "The two years I was away from acting I was focusing on studying and I had more perspective on what roles I wanted to do and who I wanted to work with"
- "I would like to be an example to Thai friends who grew up in the U.S. like me, but found these foreign cultures wanting. What we have is so worthwhile. When I do my job as an M.C. for MTV, I'm always pround to represent Thailand to a world community which is increaseingly aware of us.
- Utt has always held on to his 'veejay' side, he's hosted a variety of shows. A live concert show "Concert 9" which he hosted with 'Claudia' for 4 years. A live children's oriented game show called 'Hugo', and the list goes on and on.